Mannaminne´s museums
Mannaminne is not one museum. There are several!
The list of interesting things can be made long and here is all this within a small area in the heart of the High Coast.
There are about 50 buildings on Mannaminne and it is almost inconceivable that there was nothing built on this forest slope before 1980. The first museum that came into being was the Coastal Museum in 1989, then the Agricultural Museum in 1990.
What to visit:
- Coastal Museum
- Art Museum
- Accordion house
- Agricultural Museum
- Norwegian house
- The technical museum
- World Heritage Museum
- The house of the Globe
- Trams
- Engines
- Cars
- Boats
- Hungarian house
- Bureaucracy Museum
Everything is included in the entrance fee!

Coastal Museum
What to see?
A historical insight into the important fishing and sawmill industry in the area.
The origin of the building
Existing barn that has been restored.
Agricultural Museum
A journey in the historically important role of agriculture.
Salberg, Nordingrå
Art Museum
Permanent and temporary art exhibitions.
Näsänget, Nordingrå
Technical Museum
Historic industrial time. Volvo cars, Trabant, Messerschmidt m.m.
Site-built detached house.
Bureaucracy Museum
– the only one of its kind!
Mention the word bureaucracy and most people sigh heavily. But not Bo-Anders Öberg. He started a museum to show the opposite. “It is the bureaucracy that built Sweden. The shelves are crammed with portfolios in all its models with calculators from anno dazumal and other technical equipment used in the administration.”
Available in the technical museum.
Accordion house
& S/S Strömkarlen
A unique museum for the history of the accordion, Kramfors Accordion Club.
Site built with S / S Strömkarlen as template.
The Norwegian house
Norway’s history during the Second World War and the relationship between Sweden and Norway. Here is Mannaminnes B&B.
Tröndelag county, Norway.
Hungarian house
An insight into the simple life of a farm in Hungary.
Somogy, Hungary.
The house of the Globe
Shows that our earth is small and should be embraced. See Anders Åberg’s impressive self-carved wooden globe. Also note the bicycle savior Anders’ machinery for the earth’s rotation!
Site-built detached house.
World Heritage House
I.A a local history exhibition by Margareta Grafström from Älandsbro, Härnösand.
Site-built detached house.
Land you Blessed – the lodge
Step into Anders Åberg’s classic theme exhibition for Riksutställningar 1973 (the national exhibition agency), about the breakthrough of Industrialism in Sweden, 1850-1915.
Ulvvik, Nordingrå.
Estonian house
Estonian log house. The ASEA tram that rolled in Tallinn, Estonia.
Viljandi, Estonia.
Tram Museum
Tram Curiosities.
Site-built detached house.
The rounds grain store
The round grain store was used back in the day for threshing. The grain was spread out over the floor, and a horse pulled a conical threshing bolt with wooden spikes in a circle over the spread grain, so that the grains were separated from the chaff.
You could also beat the grain by hand with a wooden tool called flail.
Available in the rounds grain store conference room, Anders Åberg’s sketch archive of decorations and films, exhibition, activity. Reconstruction of Pelle Åberg’s studio. He was Anders Åberg’s father.
Järsta, Härnösand.
The music pavilion
The copper roof was sponsored by the electricity company Bravida and representative Sture Norberg. The mammoth Sergei is here, as well as a Statistics Exhibition. This is a place for live concerts and performances.
Site-built detached house.