Mannaminnes Hedersräfsa (Rake of honour)
The Mannaminne Foundation instituted the Mannaminne Rake of honour in 2019 to honour Anders Åberg. In addition to the little rake, the winner will have the opportunity to use Mannaminne as an arena. The announcement of the first prize winner in 2019 took place on April 16, on Anders’ birthday and Hervor Sjödin was the first to receive the prize. The prize, a small rake made by the carpenter Leo von Euler, was awarded this first year in 2019 to the winner at a small ceremony when Mannaminne opened for the season.
“The rakes of the peasant women were very important for their livelihood. By beating the ditches between the fields, you got hay for one or two more calves. Two calves may have meant that a child could go to school and graduate. What an effect a calf and a rake can have! At the same time, raking is a way to keep something in order in the chaos and that you dare to say and clean up. ”
Quote by Anders Åberg from the short film Brave people.
Mannaminnes Hedersräfsa 2020: Sara Parkman

It is with great pleasure that we hereby announce that the award Mannaminnes Hedersräfsa goes to Sara Parkman. And as we usually do since the prize was established last year, we announce this on Anders Åberg’s birthday 16 April.
The motivation is:
Especially for her hitherto artistry entirely in the spirit of Mannaminne and Anders Åberg with struggle for the countryside, innovation in folk music, women’s struggle, renewal of traditions, the mixture of old and new, internationalism, environmental and nature thinking and especially for her pioneering and acclaimed album Vesper as she together with orchestra, church choir and father 2019 released in the accordion house at Mannaminne.
Her artistry lives up to all the criteria for the Order of Honor: Improvisation, Empathy, Inspired / inspired, Appetite for life, Respect for others, Love for one’s neighbor, Curiosity, Goal-oriented, Courage.
Sara also grew up in Nordingrå.
The prize, a small wooden rake, made by the carpenter Leo von Euler.
These are Sara´s own words about receiving the award:
“I feel honored, proud and humbled to receive this Honor Rake in such good company. Mannaminne is a place I grew up climbing on old boats, experiencing great art, playing among scrap metal, working at the counter in the restaurant and serving herring to tourists, playing concerts … To be noticed from such a place means a lot!
That it is a rake also feels symbolic – sometimes I think of my profession as a type of farmer, small farmer. I pass on hundreds of years of musical knowledge, haul in a piece of myself, pass it on and create nourishment for the body of the soul. ”