Become a guide at Mannaminne
Do you want to become a guide at Mannaminne?
Mannaminne is a unique creation. Past, present and future are expressed in the cultural and art philosophy that characterized Anders Åberg.
One of Anders’ purposes with Mannaminne was to stimulate curiosity and raise questions. Many threads to the story can be found through everything that is gathered here, there is a lot to tell about how “everything is connected.” A visit here can raise questions about everything from the meaning of life to how much a rowing boat filled with concrete weighs…
That is why we want Mannaminne to have many guides and we want to encourage you to become a guide.

Guided tours at Mannaminne
Our goal is that everyone who visits Mannaminne should be able to get a 45 minute guided tour based on the Inn’s porch twig or Räfsorna / Brave people. We begin the tour by telling briefly about Mannamine’s background – when, how and why Anders and Barbro created it.
Then the group visits three, four representative places and hears the stories about them. The guide must always provide opportunities for questions, respond to them seriously and, as far as possible, let the questions and the group guide the guidance.
Specially guided tours can take place in a special area you feel extra for and these are marketed separately in addition to the daily guided tours.

Our guides are trained by ourselves and the basis is that you accompany the more experienced guides several times.
Study materials are:
- all films about and with Anders Åberg
- the book about Anders Åberg
- all buildings and other installations / objects on Mannaminne that you visit
- our Mannaminne map
- Discover the Mannaminne brochure
- all existing information material, e.g. opening hours, menu, what events are going on, etc. You should know where to get information about Mannaminne on site and online.
Then you make your own variant based on your own conditions and experiences and take other guides on a guided tour. The starting point can be the own feeling and experience of Mannaminne e.g. “I remember when …”. After completing the training, you can do exactly what you want and enjoy when you guide. For Mannaminne’s guides are as unique as Mannaminne.