Support us
Mannaminne means a lot to many people and many want to support us. We are happy to accept donations and you decide the size of the gift and whether it should be used for something in particular.
If you want to support us financially, there are several ways of doing it. You can buy a season ticket SEK 250 or deposit a contribution to Mannaminne via Bankgiro or Swish:
Bankgiro 5304-5654
Swish 123 651 27 92
IBAN SE8660000000000646062158, BIC: HANDSESS, BANK: Handelsbanken
You also support us by joining as a member of Mannamine’s friends, which you can easily do here.
If you have questions or ideas, you are welcome to contact us.
Thank you for your gift, it means a lot to us!

In memory of Izzy Young (1928-2019)
People are asking if they can leave a donation to mark Izzy’s passing, a place or cause close to his heart.
Here is a suggestion from Izzy’s daughter Philomène and other close friends: MANNAMINNE is the work of Swedish artist Anders Åberg (1945-2018). Just like Izzy, Anders was a visionary whose frugal economy could not prevent him from leaving a lasting legacy. Mannaminne is an outdoor museum on the High-Coast of Sweden, where buildings, tramcars, art, music and cultures meet the natural beauty of Höga Kusten. Anders was inspired by Izzy and built a wooden bridge and other art works in Izzy’s honor.
When the Folklore Center closed in 2018, parts of Izzy’s massive folk music library were donated to Mannaminne and are housed there now.
If you feel like donating?
Bankgiro 5304-5654
Swish 123 651 27 92
IBAN SE8660000000000646062158 , BIC: HANDSESS, BANK: Handelsbanken