Land du välsignade (Land, You Blessed)

In the grain store from Ulvvik is Anders Åberg’s exhibition Land du välsignade (Land you blessed).
It was a travelling exhibition that started in 1973 and was commissioned by the state authority Riksutställningar (The Swedish exhibition agency) in collaboration with the Nordic Museum.
The exhibition was about the breakthrough of industrialism in Sweden 1850-1915, the environments of the workers and the growth of the popular movements.

The exhibition has an iconic status in the museum world as innovative in its form.
“No other medium than the exhibition has anything as fantastic to donate as the objects in the museums, but the objects must be used in the right way. Around them, environments are created that help visitors to live in different conditions /… /. By means of the environments, the story is dramatized so that everyone who enters the exhibition feels that they must follow it to the end.  ”
The exhibition’s producer is Eva Persson, Riksutställningar.

The foundation has received funding from the Swedish National Heritage Board to renovate it and this work will be finished in 2022, and reopened.