Become a member of Mannaminne's friends

Mannaminne’s Friends are for you who want Mannaminne to be preserved and developed. Through Mannaminne’s Friends, you can be involved and influence and contribute to Mannaminne’s future!
It is a membership benefit for Mannaminne’s Friends to enter Mannaminne freely during the 2024 season. A season ticket does not apply during special events.
Membership fee
250 SEK/year
How to become a member
- You deposit the membership fee to Bankgiro 867-0044 or via Swish 123 313 19 19. Enter your name.
- Send an email to us at with the following information:
– First & Last name
– Address
– Email
– Phone number
– If you have paid via Swish or bank transfer
The association is an independent, non-profit and politically independent interest organization, whose purpose is to preserve and develop Mannaminne as a living cultural arena.
The association shall:
- contribute to the development and revitalization of museums and the museum area,
- stimulate an increased exchange and active participation between the homeland and Mannaminne,
- increase interest in art and culture by arranging cultural activities at Mannaminne in various forms in music, theater, art, dance and literature,
- increase children’s and young people’s interest in art, culture and the world around them.
Chairman is Carola Rydkvist